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Do public goods belong to everyone?

Public goods belong to everybody... kind of. A public good has two key characteristics: it is nonexcludable and nonrivalrous. These characteristics make it difficult for market producers to sell the good to individual consumers. Nonexcludable means that it is costly or impossible for one user to exclude others from using a good.

What is a public good?

They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. public good, in economics, a product or service that is non-excludable and nondepletable (or “non-rivalrous”). A good is non-excludable if one cannot exclude individuals from enjoying its benefits when the good is provided.

Are public goods separate and identifiable?

However, public goods are not separate and identifiable in this way. Instead, public goods have two defining characteristics: they are nonexcludable and nonrivalrous. The first characteristic, that a public good is nonexcludable, means that it is costly or impossible to exclude someone from using the good.

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